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Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Part of Simply Fit's new mission is to incorporate wellness into your lifestyle through various strategies and tools so you can thrive!


Wellness Club

Gathering place for people who struggle to live a healthy lifestyle and still be social. 

Simply Fit’s Clubhouse acts as a gathering place and central hub for people who struggle to live a healthy lifestyle and still be social. With a cafe that uses local, nutritious food products, weekly coaching meetings, holistic practitioners and group classes, members are able to gather, socialize and engage in recreational activities that cultivates a sense of belonging.  

How are we different?

While country clubs offer access to activities, dining and social experiences, Simply Fit’s Social Wellness Club creates a space where living a healthy lifestyle is a priority among members and assists in reinforcing healthy habits through community. 

Right: Members enjoying Simply Fit’s Lattes during Happy Hour at the Wellness Club


Above: Members working out at the fitness gym in the Wellness Club

Right: Members chatting at the Wellness Club

The Simply Fit Social Wellness Club reinforces our mission to provide personalized, sustainable, holistic strategies and tools so that people can create consistent healthy habits and incorporate wellness into their lifestyles so they can thrive by providing a space where people can regularly gather and feel a sense of belonging while on their wellness journey.

Health Call

Makeover your pantry to create a healthy environment in order to make nutrition accessible and easy. 

Simply Fit’s Nutrition House Call is a service that makeover’s your kitchen. The service recognizes your environment directly impacts your health and wants to help you thrive by learning you household needs, schedule and lifestyle to make health nutrition accessible and easy.

What makes us different?

While the services above focus solely on organizing your kitchen and understanding what to stock it with to live healthy, Simply Fit’s Nutrition Health Call takes it to amore personal level, learning your household needs and schedule to find out the best way to make nutrition accessible and easy. 

Right: Simply Fit employee discussing nutrition with costumer during a nutritional health call

Above: Family making a meal together after receiving a nutritional health call

Right: Customer filling out weekly meal plan sheet provided by Simply Fit

The Simply Fit Nutritional Health Call reinforces our mission to provide personalized, sustainable, holistic strategies and tools so that people can create consistent healthy habits and incorporate wellness into their lifestyles so they can thrive by providing a service that recognizes how your environment impacts your health and in return makeover your pantry, making nutrition accessible and easy based on your lifestyle.

Mic Night

Leave the stress behind and experience what a healthy lifestyle can do to your personal harmony.

Simply Fit’s Open Mic Night offers a space where people can share their personal journeys to inspire others. Held in the Social Club’s cafe, open mic night allows personal testimonies to be expressed in a variety of ways in hopes that it will inspire others to begin their search for wellness and personal harmony. 

What makes us different?

While the business above offer a relaxing get away with experiences and wellness programs,  Simply Fit’s Wellness Retreat dives deeper into your personal goals, giving you a taste of what a healthy lifestyle can do to your personal harmony.

Right: Man beginning his personal testimony at Simply Fit’s Open Mic Night


Above: Group getting Simply Fit Lattes before Open Mic Night


Right: Audience members clapping after a personal testimony

The Simply Fit Wellness Retreat reinforces our mission to provide personalized, sustainable, holistic strategies and tools so that people can create consistent healthy habits and incorporate wellness into their lifestyles so they can thrive by hosting an event that gathers like-minded people together to share personal health stories on how they successfully created healthy habits in their life and inspire others. 
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